We are Seeking For A Talented:

Job Responsibilities

  • Developing and maintaining Python applications: You will be responsible for writing, testing, and maintaining Python code to create software applications or tools. This includes understanding and implementing requirements, designing software architecture, and writing clean, efficient, and reusable code.
  • Collaborating with a team: You may work closely with other developers, designers, and stakeholders to gather requirements, discuss solutions, and implement features. Collaborative skills such as effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are essential in this role.
  • Debugging and troubleshooting: Identifying and fixing issues in the codebase is a crucial part of a developer's role. You will be responsible for debugging errors, resolving software defects, and ensuring the application runs smoothly.
  • Writing unit tests and documentation: Creating comprehensive unit tests to verify the correctness of the code is essential. Additionally, documenting code, APIs, and processes to improve maintainability and facilitate knowledge sharing is often required.
  • Working with databases: Many applications rely on databases to store and retrieve data. Your responsibilities may include designing database schemas, writing SQL queries, and interacting with databases using Python libraries or ORMs (Object-Relational Mappers).
  • Integrating with external services and APIs: Integrating your application with third-party services or APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) is common. You may need to make HTTP requests, handle responses, and parse data in different formats such as JSON or XML.
  • Performance optimization: Analyzing and optimizing the performance of your code is important to ensure scalability and efficiency. This may involve profiling, identifying bottlenecks, and implementing optimizations to improve the overall performance of the application.
  • Keeping up with industry trends and best practices: The technology landscape is constantly evolving, and staying updated with the latest Python frameworks, libraries, and best practices is crucial. Continuous learning and self-improvement are essential to excel in your role as a Python developer.

Job Requirements

  • Proficiency in Python: You should have a strong understanding of Python programming language concepts, syntax, and best practices. Experience with Python frameworks such as Django, Flask, or Pyramid may also be beneficial.
  • Knowledge of software development principles: A solid understanding of software development principles, including object-oriented programming (OOP), modular design, and software architecture, is important. Familiarity with design patterns and development methodologies like Agile or Scrum can be advantageous.
  • Understanding of web technologies: Web development often involves Python, so having knowledge of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and HTTP is beneficial. Understanding how web frameworks and APIs work is also valuable.
  • At-least 2 + years of experience
  • Experience with databases: Many applications interact with databases, so familiarity with database concepts and experience working with SQL databases (such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite) is important. Knowledge of database design, ORM frameworks (like SQLAlchemy), and query optimization is a plus.
  • Good in english, verbal and written communication skills.
  • Version control: Proficiency in using version control systems, such as Git, is often required. Understanding branching, merging, and resolving conflicts is essential for collaborative development.

This is a full-time position, and the salary will be commensurate with experience. If you meet the requirements and are interested in this opportunity, please submit your CV or Portfolio Now!