Samjhana Lab is a clinical lab service provider since last 40 years in Health Sector of Nepal, recently announced releasing a mobile application to provide a better service in Nepal.
The mobile application for
both Android and iOS is designed and developed for Samjhana Laboratory Clinic.
A mobile application is built with Android Studio & Swift for Android and iOS devices . With this application, the patients will be able to view the latest news and offers from Samjhana Lab, order medicine, use medicine reminder feature, book appointments with the doctors, view doctor schedules, and get medicine delivered to the doorstep.
A mobile application is built with Android Studio & Swift for Android and iSO devices. With this application, the Slab Merchants (pharmacy stores) will be able to view the latest news & offers from Samjhana Lab, view list of medicine orders from different patients, and accept / reject medicines.
The admin portal is built in PHP Laravel framework. The admin (Slab admin) will be able to post news & updates, view medicine orders, view merchant profile details, view patient profile details, CRUD features in every features, view doctor appointment requests, add list of doctors, and many more. The ACL (access control list) feature is also implemented in the admin portal.
The designs are done using Sketchup tool. The color pallets were choosen with given style guides. Below are the color assets & fonts used in the project.